I put together all the great ideas and topics, which participants will bring with them to the peer event.
(Abstracts are taken out of the communication we had)
Lisa Crispin
I’d like to propose a workshop on visualizing quality. Specifically, what are ways we can visualize quality of a product AFTER it is delivered – the outcomes of that product? How can we visualize validated learning about our product? The purpose of the workshop would be to generate some new ideas that we can share with the community.
More ways to make quality visible, and getting away from focusing totally on DELIVERING the software and not on the value it actually provides to our customers and our business.
– I’ve been trying to start a Testing Lean Coffee regular event locally, not having much luck, would like to know if others have community-building ideas
– now that I work on a project tracking tool (Pivotal Tracker) whose major feature is automatically calculating average velocity and making sure you don’t exceed it, I’m more interested than ever in the usefullness of velocity, estimating, scrum “commit” approaches, and the like.
– tester-coder collaboration and ways to improve it are always an area of interest
– ATDD at API level, and what do you do when your dev team is writing functional tests as part of TDD and then think there is too much overlap with ATDD
– using brain-based checklists to help w/ exploratory testing
Cecile Davis
What I would like to do is work on excercises for testers to get them in the agile mindset. So probably first find out what the pitfalls are for testers starting with agile, and what the reasons are they do not mingle with non-testers. Then create and/or exchange some specific excercises to learn testers to avoid those pitfalls and make them understand why the need to avoid them. Result will be some excercises that can be used in trainings and courses available for the world.
Sigurdur Birgisson
There are more aspects of Developers Exploratory testing that I would be happy to discuss with you.
I also have some other material developing, that will get more focus after the summer.
Jean-Paul Varwijk
– Transition to agile – approaches, obstacles, practical experiences?
– Agile pitfalls, common reason for “failures”; lessons learned, etc.
Stephanos Livieratos
I would like to discuss whether and how agile approaches can be applied in nearshore test automation projects. And I would like to respond to the special role of the on-site team members. Furthermore, to look at the challenges to be faced in the nearshore center, interesting. The experiences that have been made in my current project, I would like to contribute to the discussion.
Maik Nogens
I like to talk about community building and the obstacles & chances I experienced and would see, if others are interested to discuss about it as well.
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